When Donna’s son reached out to the radio station asking for us to help share his GoFundMe link to raise funds for a Flash Mob for his Mother with Stage 4 Cancer, I thought to myself, we can do better than that!

I teamed up with my fellow co-worker Marissa (who is an amazing dancer) to help put together a Flash Mob Donna would remember forever.

She was first diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2010, the past weeks have been rough because her cancer is now back and is stage 4 breast cancer. It was a huge blow to all of us, She has so many people who love her. She works non- stop and never gives her self a break! She is one of the most caring and sweet people you will ever meet. She has 3 children me her son Bobby(24) my sister Isabella(14) and my brother Jacob(17). We all love her very much and depend on her for everything.

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Read more: http://www.xl1067.com/onair/johnnys-house-live-blog-44060/video-local-woman-with-cancer-gets-13451915/#ixzz3Vt0z2Mbp